Wednesday, March 20, 2013


The weather cooperated so we decided to take a more northerly route home from Arizona. In all of my trips to and through Colorado I had never visited the southwest part of the state. I was quite impressed with Durango and our Saloon dinner. We missed Mesa Verde due to timing but there were other impressive sights as well.

After a patio lunch in Pueblo we headed toward Colorado Springs. I was anxious to show Dale Garden of the Gods. It was my first experience with gorgeous red rock formations and I still think it's beautiful. It's got great trails and accessibility also. It was a beautiful day for a walk and photography. Colorado is a gorgeous state!

We decided it was worth the drive to check out the Air Force Academy also. The chapel had impressed me on my first trip to Colorado Springs but we got an extra bonus when we witnessed a 5 pm work out that seemed chaotic but I am sure it was highly organized. Hundreds of people exercising with lots of noise was an interesting surprise.

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