It was a good month for bike riding. Walker loves being outside as much as I do. It was great to get my bike on the trails for the first time since last fall.
Lincoln learned how to peddle and never needed training wheels. Stopping is the hard part!
It was a good month for some gardening also. Lincoln loves using his muscles to help with the heavy work. Walker loves exploring and is gentle with the plants and enjoys the watering lots!
I got to help Ashley with a couple of photo shoots with the boys. She does all the hard work and I get to enjoy the process and the photos. I love having great shots and my grandsons bring me great joy so looking at their faces is always special. They are adorable, sweet and loving boys!
April showers bring worms and lots of fun explorations.
I love the warmer weather and the sunny days that feel almost like summer. As much as I love being out in nature I love it even more when I can share it with my grandsons!At Lincoln's request we made a road trip to Mason City to visit family. It's so nice to see the boys playing with great grandparents. They always have so much fun. I was especially thrilled that we got to see all three of my siblings at once on that Friday afternoon. The boys really love their great aunts and uncle. I'm not surprised that Lincoln loves going to Mason City!
I did find time to quilt and lots of time to socialize with my friends during April too. I just tend to take more photos when there at cute little ones around. I also found plenty of time for baking. I still love to bake and always look for a good excuse to pull out the sugar and flour. An expectant mommy with a sweet tooth in the family gave me lots of good reason for baking. I just wish the "healthy" baked goods tasted as good as the "real stuff." Now its time!